Monday, June 12, 2006

He's a week old today!!!

More little steps... Ash's little belly button fell off yesterday. Why on Earth I think that is cute, I don't know... He also moved from his bed under a heat lamp to a little enclosed incubater-looking thing since they confirmed with a second blood test that his jaundice is gone. He already seems more comfortable in there - he's been out like a light all day. And he also had his little IV removed. They were giving him additional electrolites and other such liquids, but now he's eating enough milk that he no longer needs it.

The NICU here is now busting at the seams. When we arrived last week, there were only a few rooms taken. Now they have all 6 rooms full (3 sets of twins!) plus one overflow room full and a NICU set up in a regular Labor & Delivery room for yet another family. I think I just heard another baby has now checked in, so they are entirely out of NICU beds. I'm glad they had a space for us when little Ash arrived.


Blogger Scooby said...

Happy Birthday, Ash!

7:50 PM  
Blogger Kim Ross said...

Aww! So glad to hear Ash is eating already! Good news. :)

Sounds like everyone is doing well. Love hearing that!!

2:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Kris !!
Congratulations on being a new mom! You look great ! I am so happy to hear that your little guy, Ash is doing well! Kim sent me your blog after I recently wrote her a note.
Take Care! I'll keep you, and your family in my prayers!
Cousin Karen D.

10:48 AM  
Blogger hack said...

the cord is long gone. it disappeared as fast as the placenta so couldn't even bury that under a tree.

9:33 AM  

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