Sunday, November 11, 2007


Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a potato!! With pillow case in hand to collect the bounty, Ash sped through the neighborhood getting candy galore. He quickly learned to knock on doors and grab a treat.

Of course, there was a learning curve. He liked to put his previous treat back into the bowl at the next house, and quite unfortunately, the cape did not help him fly or prevent him from tripping over his own feet and getting a big bloody nose.

So went our second Halloween.

Friday, November 02, 2007

He that has a good harvest must be content with a few thistles

Here is Ash enjoying one of the last days at the Farmer's Market. It was a chilly Saturday morning. By Sunday, it was 70 degrees and we headed for the Sunflower Farm - a kid's dream with goats to feed, ponies to ride and dad to carry him through the hay maze. Hope everyone is enjoying the bounty of the season and the beautiful harvest moon.